Increase your in-building wireless coverage with a Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA) or a Uni-Directional Amplifier (UDA). Not sure which is right for your building- no problem. We’ll come in, check out your building structure and test coverage to help you determine to most effective amplifier for your specific building.

Bi-Directional Amplifiers (BDA's)
We offer the most comprehensive selections of broadband bi-directional amplifiers in the industry. Covering frequencies and service offerings in the 400 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, and 1.9 GHz spectrum range, our BDA's are equally capable of providing full-spectrum linear amplification within their passband.

Uni-Directional Amplifiers (UDA's)
In addition to the comprehensive line of bi-directional amplifiers we also offer Uni-directional Amplifiers covering frequencies and service offerings in the 400 MHz and 900 MHz spectrum range.

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